Leven Lab Studio Apps

Dimensione3D Augmented Reality 1.1
Dimensione 3D è una novità nel mondodell’arredamento. Tramite la tecnologia della realtà aumentata,alcuni dei prodotti disponibili sul sito www.dimensione3d.com,potranno essere visualizzati direttamente a casa vostra, come se liaveste già acquistati e facessero già parte del vostro arredamento!Scaricate l’App Dimensione 3D, stampate il marker e mettetelonel punto in cui vorreste che appaia l’oggetto, scegliete ilprodotto che volete vedere a casa vostra e con il vostro smartphoneo tablet inquadrate il marker.Vedrete apparire in scala 1:1 la sedia, la poltrona, la madia, lalampada da tavolo o comunque l’articolo che volete acquistare.E se si tratta di un lampadario? Inquadrate il Marker, seguitele istruzioni che appariranno e vedrete comparire a soffitto illampadario scelto.Cosa aspettate? Scaricate l’App e arredate casa vostra divertendovicon la realtà aumentata di dimensione3d.com!Dimension 3D is a noveltyin the world of design. Through the technology of augmentedreality, some of the products available on the sitewww.dimensione3d.com, will be displayed in your own home, as if youhad already purchased and did already part of your decor!Download the App Size 3D, print the marker and place it at thepoint where you would like it to appear the object, choose theproduct that you want to see in your home and with your smartphoneor tablet framed the marker.You'll see a 1: 1 chair, armchair, cupboard, table lamp or howeverthe item you want to buy.And if it is a chandelier? Place the Marker, follow theinstructions that appear and you'll see the chandelier ceilingchosen.What to expect? Download the App and furnished home having fun withaugmented reality of dimensione3d.com!
Kolarz3D - Augmented Reality
Kolarz3D lets you furnish your roomswithKolarz products, using the Augmented reality or thesimulatorsystem.Print the marker, place it where you want to show thefornitureand look at it through the phone / tablet to start placingthefornitures and play with them in Augmented Reality!Features:- Kolarz Augmented Reality with 1:1 scale models- The Augmented Reality system will recognize if is a tableobject,a floor object, a wall object or a ceiling object: you wontneed toplace the marker on the ceiling to view a ceiling forniture,justplace it on a table and rotate the device to the ceiling.- Kolarz Simulator: place more fornitures at the same time inthescene- Kolarz Light system: Switch on and off the lights, watch howaforniture looks when the light is on!- Serverside 3D Models: the app will always be this small, nohugeupdates- Reality-like textures and effects: The Kolarz 3d Modelsarephotolike quality- Kolarz Configurator: when a forniture has differentconfigurationsof colors and details you can view them with onetap- Save the screenshot of your furnished room in theimagegallery**UPDATES**v1.1 Solved a minor bug which resulted in an highsensibilitywhen selecting items from the menu, turning inaccidentalselections of items.
Valentine Crash 1.0
Aah quanto è bello l'amore!Svegliarsi la mattina accanto alla persona che si ama,scambiarsiparole dolci e magari preparare una sorpresa per ilgiorno piùromantico che c'è: San Valentino!Ma che succede se lui è uno zoticone insensibile?Noi di LevenLab abbiamo voluto omaggiare la festadegliinnamorati con una piccola app in stile Pixel Art!Aah howbeautifullove!Waking up in the morning next to the person you love, exchangesweetwords and maybe prepare a surprise for the most romantic daythere:Valentine's Day!But what if he's a slob insensitive?We LevenLab we wanted to pay homage to Valentine's Day withasmall app-style pixel art!
Apparenza 1.0
Con l’ausilio del proprio tablet o diunosmartphone, i visitatori si recano davanti alle singole operee,puntandovi il supporto informatico, potranno vedere l’operanellasua interezza, completando la visualizzazione con gli elementinonpercepibili a occhio nudo.Per osservare l’esposizione è necessario scaricaregratuitamentel’App Apparenza, disponibile su tutti i play store osul sitointernet .L’idea nasce dalla collaborazione tra l’associazioneculturaleIrtus, lo studio LevenLab e sei artisti nostrani. MichelaAmadei,Oliver Astrologo, Alice Lioniello, Paolo Luciani, SandroMoscogiurie Andrea Pelati, questi i nomi dei sei in mostra conApparenza, aformare un background artistico che spazia dallafotografia allaregia, illustrazione e grafica.La mostra resterà in rassegna sino al 22 novembre.Il vernissage è previsto per sabato 31 ottobre, ore 16:30.With the help oftheirtablet or a smartphone, visitors go in front of theindividualworks and, puntandovi IT support, can see the work in itsentirety,completing the view with items not perceptible to thenakedeye.To observe the exposure you need to download the freeAppappearance, available on all play store or on the website.The idea was born from the collaboration between theculturalassociation Irtus, the study LevenLab and six nationalartists.Michela Amadei, Oliver Teller, Alice Lioniello, PaulLuciani,Sandro and Andrea Moscogiuri Peeled, these are the names ofthe sixon display with appearance, to form an artistic backgroundrangingfrom photography director, illustration and graphics.The exhibition will remain on show until 22 November.The inauguration is scheduled for Saturday, October 31, 16:30.
The Dark Matter 1.2.4
Dark Matter is devouring the universe, will you survive?